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Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

BI Perketat Operasi Money Changer

JAKARTA: Bank Indonesia memperketat operasional pedagang valuta asing dengan diterbitkan Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) No.12/22/PBI/2010 tentang Pedagang Valuta Asing. Setiap pendirian perusahaan valuta asing wajib lapor pada otoritas itu.

Berdasarkan PBI No.12/22/PBI/2010 disampaikan bahwa kegiatan jual-beli uang kertas sing (UKA) yang dijalankan oleh pedagang valuta asing (PVA) memiliki hubungan erat dengan kegiatan usaha pengiriman  mata uang.

"Dalam rangka mendukung perkembangan kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang, maka PVA bukan bank dapat diberikan izin untuk melakukan kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku," tulis ketentuan yang mulai berlaku 22 Desember 2010.

Pokok-pokok pengaturan yang baru dari PBI itu adalah jual-beli uang kertas asing, pembelian Traveller’s Cheque (TC), dan PVA bukan bank bisa melakukan kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang dengan memperoleh izin terlebih dahulu dari BI.

Adapun larangan bagi PVA adalah bertindak sebagai agen penjual TC, melakukan kegiatan margin trading, spot, forward, swap, dan transaksi derivatif lainnya untuk kepentingan nasabah dan melakukan kegiatan usaha selain jual-beli uang kertas asing serta pembelian TC serta kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang.

Bank sentral juga membenahi ketentuan bagi pengurus (direksi dan komisaris) dan pemilik PVA bukan bank. Diantaranya, mereka tidak tercatat dalam daftar hitam nasional penarik cek atau bilyet giro kosong.

Selain itu, tidak tercantum dalam kredit macet yang ditatausahakan dalam sistem informasi kredit pada BI, tidak pernah dihukum karena terbukti melakukan tindak pidana perbankan dan keuangan dalam 2 tahun terakhir berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan.

Pengurus dan pemilik juga tidak pernah menjadi pemegang saham, anggota direksi atau dewan komisaris dari suatu perseroan terbatas dengan kegiatan usaha PVA yang dicabut izin usahanya oleh BI karena pelanggaran, dalam jangka waktu 2 tahun sebelum pengajuan permohonan.

"PVA bukan bank wajib tunduk pada ketentuan BI yang mengatur mengenai kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha pengiriman mata uang," tulis aturan itu.

Selain itu, PVA bukan bank wajib memasang logo PVA berizin dengan tulisan ‘Pedagang Valuta Asing Berizin’ (Authorized Money Changer) dan sertifikat izin usaha.

Dengan diberlakukannya PBI itu maka, PBI No.9/11/PBI/2007 tanggal 5 September 2007 tentang Pedagang Valuta Asing dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku.

Peraturan Pelaksanaan dari PBI No.9/11/PBI/2007 tanggal 5 September 2007 tentang Pedagang Valuta Asing dinyatakan masih tetap berlaku sepanjang tidak bertentangan. (bsi)

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Borong Mata Uang

(REUTERS/Petar Kujundzic/pj)
 BATAM--MICOM: Masyarakat Batam dalam sepekan terakhir melakukan aksi borong mata uang China yuan dan dinar Irak. Akibatnya, sejumlah tempat penukaran uang di Batam kewalahan menangani animo masyarakat terhadap dua mata uang tersebut.

"Biasanya tidak seperti itu. Kami juga heran. Untunglah persediaan dinar Irak dan yuan masih ada," kata pemilik money changer 88 A Cing, di kawasan Nagoya, Batam, Jumat (28/10).

Menurut dia, aksi ini sebenarnya tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap fluktuasi mata uang yang ada. Hanya saja implikasi dari pernyataan Presiden Barack Obama baru-baru ini akan menarik pasukan dari Irak membuat mata uang tersebut menjadi buruan masyarakat Batam.

Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada yuan dimana China memberikan dukungan terhadap negara-negara zona euro yang kesulitan dengan utang besar mendapat sentiment positif masyarakat Batam yang menyenangi investasi di mata uang.

"Mata uang China diperkirakan akan menguat dalam beberapa bulan ke depan dengan dukungan terhadap negara-negara zona Euro," tambahnya.

Agus Salim warga Batam mengakui melemahnya dolar Amerika Serikat terhadap mata uang utama lainnya di New York dalam sepekan terakhir, mengindikasikan mata uang lain bisa dijadikan alternatif investasi. Yang paling diburu adalah yuan karena semakin mengguritanya perekonomian negara Panda itu.

"Kebijakan ekonomi China menarik untuk dijadikan lahan investasi baru. China sangat dominan dalam mengatur mata uang dunia saat ini, jadi tidak ada ruginya memborong Yuan dalam waktu dekat sebelum tahun baru," katanya.

Di tempat terpisah head of capital marker information centre-Batam division Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Marco Poetra Kawer mengatakan aksi borong tersebut tidak terlalu istimewa. "Nanti jenuh sendiri itu. Yang paling penting rupiah masih tetap stabil dan nyaman digunakan," katanya. (HK/OL-04)

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Money Vs Currency

Currency and money are very similar and many people think that they are one of the same. However, there is one major difference that separates the two. First, let's obtain a firm grasp of how they are similar. Both currency and money have to be:
A unit of account
A medium of exchange
Money must be all of the above, but has to also be a "store of value" over long periods of time. Paper is never a store of value because it can be printed at will and only has the value given to it as determined by the issuing government. Gold and silver have been used as "money" for over 5000 years because it satisfies every requirement stated previously. Once upon a time, the U.S. was on a gold standard. This meant that for every dollar printed, there had to be gold to back it up. Our dollar was considered "money" because of this gold backing. Thus, the phrase "good as gold" was coined (you could redeem your dollars for gold). Gold has to be mined and that process takes time and physical effort.
Gold's value comes from its rarity and the physical effort that it takes to mine it. When you're paid in gold or dollars backed by gold, the gold you redeem represents your efforts. You may ask, "Why is it so important to have our dollars backed by gold?" The gold standard prevented our government from printing excessive amounts of money. When governments are allowed to print money at will, without the backing of either gold or silver, this action always leads to price inflation. This inflation always turns to hyperinflation and the currency collapses on itself and goes back to its true value of 0. Our forefathers understood the concept of "real money" and deemed it unconstitutional for anything but gold and silver to be used as money because every great empire that had currency without backing, collapsed. The U.S. will be no exception. Here is a direct quote from the constitution: "No state shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
Former President Richard Nixon took the world off of the gold standard on Aug. 15, 1971 by ending the Bretton Woods Agreement. I say "the World" because the dollar holds "World Reserve Currency" status. The dollar was pegged to gold and the majority of all other major currencies were pegged to the dollar. Therefore, they were indirectly pegged to gold because the dollar was pegged to gold....I hope that makes sense...lol. The ending of the Bretton Woods Agreement caused all money worldwide to instantly become a worthless government backed instrument of debt (currency).
Currency is nothing more than an "I O U" (debt). All of the world's currencies aren't backed by anything and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve (private institution) is printing currency like it's going out of style. How does this affect you? Have you seen prices lately? The expansion of the money supply always leads to price inflation because you have more paper chasing the same goods. As a rule of thumb, prices don't rise, it is just the value of the paper in your pocket losing value. The old rule of money was to "save". This rule is no longer applicable in today's economic environment. Savers are losers.
The reason savers are losers is because the longer you save your money, the less purchasing power it is going to have in the future. Governments are going to continue to print money until all faith is lost in the currency and it reverts to its real value of nothing. If you don't believe me, just look at how far that $100 bill in your pocket goes today relative to how far it went just a few years ago. The dollar is on the verge of collapse and many Americans are oblivious to this fact because either they don't care or they are listening to the mainstream media which is pumping disinformation on a daily basis (keeping people sleep (sheep). America is headed face first into an economic tsunami. This economic tsunami will be disastrous for those holding their wealth in any dollar denominated asset.
There's a simple way to profit from this economic collapse and achieve wealth beyond your greatest imagination. Did you know that more millionaires were created during the Great Depression than any other time in American History? Well, the wealth transfer that is going to take place during America's next Depression is going to TRUMP that of the Great Depression 10 fold. You have a unique opportunity right now, to be on the right side of the wealth transfer. What you "don't know" will murder you financially.
You need to make it your business to read my eBook before it's too late. The middle class is being wiped out and there will only be 2 classes of people....the rich and the poor. It is your choice. I have info that will help you see an alternative view to what the media is pumping.....take the time to review that info.....u never know...it could change your life. All I'm offering is the truth.....red or blue pill....the choice is yours.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Locke

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6225435